Did You Hear That? Recognizing the Sound of Gunfire

Did You Hear That? Recognizing the Sound of Gunfire

BANG! What was that? A balloon? A backfiring car? Or was it…gunfire? In a world where active shooter incidents can begin in an instant and end just as quickly recognizing gunfire can give citizens, students, and employees the split-second advantage they may need to...
The UVA Shooting & the Crisis After the Crisis

The UVA Shooting & the Crisis After the Crisis

Five minutes or less – that’s how quickly 70% of active shooter incidents end, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Security and risk management leaders rightly focus most of their efforts on preventing and responding to active or potential threats –...
Pathway to Violence: Ignore the Signs at Your Own Peril

Pathway to Violence: Ignore the Signs at Your Own Peril

We see it time and time again. The warning signs are all there: social separation, erratic behavior, veiled or overt threats, and more. These warning signs are indicators that an individual may be on “the pathway to violence,” a trend of behavioral changes that often...
Don’t Try to Be a Hero – A Safer Approach to Stop Shoplifting

Don’t Try to Be a Hero – A Safer Approach to Stop Shoplifting

Increased stress and increased prices. It’s a volatile combination that has led, in part, to an increased incidence of shoplifting around the globe. In the United States alone, reports of shoplifting rose by more than 26% in 2022, according to Loss Prevention Magazine...